5 Senses
On Tuesday we learned all about our 5 senses: Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, and Smell.
To learn about Sight we played a little game of hide and seek with Joy bear.
For Hearing, we listened to a CD that had recorded sounds on it. The kids tried to guess what the sound was. This was one of their favorite activities! Annie was particularly awesome at guessing the sounds.
For Touch, we tried to guess some objects that were hidden in a box and labeled them as rough, smooth, soft, and hard, etc.
Taste, we had a taste test for our snack. This included oranges, marshmallows, and chips. We also had magic milk (Which is just a drop of food coloring in milk).
To test our sense of Smell we made a smell collage. We had strawberry, chocolate, banana, cinnamon, and cloves.
Here are pictures of the kid's smell collages

Funny Faces--When we were discussing what we could do with our mouth, it came up that we can make funny faces. I was able to get a picture of them showing me how to do a funny face. I also got a recording of them doing animal sounds with their mouths. Calvin started doing a lion roar and Annie followed along. Annie's is hilarious--What a great lion roar she has!! Ashton was being a little shy...Oh ya, Samuel also got into it.

On Thursday we learned about ways we can be healthy. I briefly touched on exercise, getting enough sleep, brushing our teeth, and eating healthy. I mainly focused on eating foods that are healthy.
We discussed foods that are "everyday" foods and foods that are "sometimes" foods. We then made a collage of everyday foods. The kids also enjoyed when I measured them to see how tall they are. I also told a story about a boy who noticed his animals were growing, but he didn't notice himself growing. Then he took out his winter clothes from the previous year and he noticed they were smaller. I told them they grow a little bit each day, but it's extra helpful when they eat foods that are good for their bodies.
Here is a picture of the kids exercising on a track I made on the carpet.

Here are some pictures of the food collages.

These are the books we read:

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