We made paper airplanes, butterfly cookies, and sang songs about things that fly. We also read the book, Ted and Fred Like to Fly by Peter Eastman.

I didn't go into too many details, so this idea can definitely be used again. We talked about emotions and how we can react to the feelings we have.
I showed them pictures of kids with different expressions and then they had to describe how they think the child is feeling. Then we talked about how we can react when we have those feelings.
I told a story about a pumpkin in a pumpkin patch who wasn't picked and he felt lonely. Other animals came and tried to cheer him up. In the end a little boy noticed he had been forgotten and took him home. This made the pumpkin happy.
I made up a game called pass the pig. Here are some cute pictures!

Theme: Frogs, Frogs, and More Frogs
We learned all about frogs. We read a lot of books by Nic Bishop (Who by the way, will be a guest at the library in the month of April).

We also made these tree frogs. They turned out a little scary...I need some of Rebekeh's talent.

We played a dice game and whatever number they rolled, they had to hop that many times. Also, we played a tossing game where they tried to throw a frog into bowls for points.
For a snack we had fish eggs (aka: grapes) and swamp juice (aka: water colored green)
My favorite was reading and singing the CROKEY POKEY! I loved watching all the kids getting into it. I definitely recommend this book.

Theme: President's Day
We learned about George Washington. I loved hearing Annie say his name. We also learned there are pictures of presidents on money.
We learned the sound of the letter P (For President. Then we made these P's with pennies glued on them.

How fun. Gavyn loves coming to joy school.