After the morning routine, I gave them certain scenarios and they had to give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down if the situation demonstrated good or bad manners. This was really easy for them, and next we played our bee game.
Each child took a turn being the "Queen Bee" or "Mr. Bee." That child had his/her back turned on the stool while underneath the chair was some honeycomb. One child would run up and sneak the honeycomb and then hide it under their little tush. We all chanted "Miss Bee Polite, you're very sweet. May we please have a honey treat?" Miss Bee Polite/Mr. Bee Polite says, "Yes, you may." "Thank you, thank you," we all say. It was kind of a silly game, but they seemed to like guessing who took the honeycomb, even though the child who had it was always really obvious. :)
Next, we had a yummy snack of juice, whole grain fishy crackers (a little bit healthier!) and apple wedges. The kids did a good job of practicing their very best manners while at the table. This included sitting on our bottoms, saying please/ thank you, not talking with our mouths full, and using our napkins.
After the snack, the kids made a little craft. I wanted them to remember that when you sneeze, you don't want to spread your sick germs to everyone else so you either should sneeze into your arm or use a kleenex. Here they are, hard at work:
All in all, it was a nice day. I had a great time having your precious kids at our place, and I am really enjoying our little joy school. Thanks for the fun! And we really missed you, Gavyn!
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